Figures from the New Zealand SPCA show the highest number of complaints about animal accommodation businesses were in Tauranga last year.
Four complaints were received compared with 13 complaints lodged nationally.
Anna Porteous, Tauranga SPCA animal welfare inspector said there had only been one incident that occurred at a doggy day care since she started her role in April 2015. She said that having legislative guidelines regarding staff/dog ratios may have helped.
There is a lack of animal day care regulations in NZ which the National Animal Advisory Committee is seeking to change. The Committee are putting forward a new code of welfare for the temporary housing of companion animals. If passed, the new code will set minimum standards for all places where animals are held including dog boarding kennels.
At the moment, anyone can open a facility and call it doggy daycare. However, Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) animal and animal products acting director Howard Pharo said people in charge of animals in dog daycare facilities, boarding kennels and catteries must meet the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act and the relevant council codes.
MPI and the SPCA enforce the act but their focus is on responding to and investigating complaints rather than auditing businesses to check whether they meet appropriate standards. At All Seasons Pet Resort our team really understand dogs and we make every effort to ensure your dog’s stay is a happy one.
Our professional doggy daycare combined with our complete dedication to your pet’s health, safety and well-being while they are in our care. We take great pride in our excellent reputation so when you leave your dog at our boarding kennels, you can feel reassured.